Sereina Graber
Department of Health Sciences, Helsana Insurance Group
All swiss residents are subject to mandatory basic insurance.
Mandatory insurance is financed mainly by premiums and to a small extent by taxes.
Premiums are determined by:
Mandatory insurance covers all relevant medical services
Supplementary benefits can be covered via supplementary insurance
High quality, high availability, but also high (and continuously rising) costs
Lack of transparency
Statistical data (Federal Office of Statistics - FOS)
Administrative data (Cantons, Federal Office of Public Health)
Quality data (ANQ, Registers)
Others (IQVIA™ sales data, pharmaSuisse database, Sentinella, FIRE, FINMA, GE KVG)
analysis of 471 million records in 204 countries (2019)
4.95 million deaths associated with antimicrobial resistance
…including 1.27 million deaths attributable to antimicrobial resistance
Finish the pack! (too) short-term antibiotic treatment leads to resistence
increasing evidence that the risk of resistance highly correlates with the duration of the therapy1-7
In Switzerland (& other countries): dispension of prepacked antibiotics
Modelling studies indicate that discrepancies between pack sizes and guideline recommendations are common9-11. Switzerland: suitable pack sizes in 36-47% of recommendations.
Real world data?
Assess the proportion of prescribed antibiotic pack sizes that were potentially non-conform with guideline recommendations and to determine the corresponding proportion of potential over and under prescriptions.
Collaboration with USZ, UNIBE and ANRESIS
Dr. med. Sbarina Stollberg, Dr. Sereina Graber, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kronenberg, Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Senn, Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Neuner-Jehle, Dr. Catherine Plüss-Suard, Dr. Carola A. Huber, Dr. med. Andreas Plate
Single indications
Multiple indications
First study to analyse real world data considering appropriateness of pack sizes
Limitation: indication for prescribed antibiotic unknown!
Many indications lack appropriate pack sizes and that one third of all prescriptions are potentially non-conform with guidelines
Mismatch leads predominantly to overprescriptions
Inadequate pack sizes undermine antibiotic stewardship interventions aimed at improving the quality of prescribing in outpatient medicine
How about dispensing partial packs or specific number of tablets?
Routine data from compulsory health insurance as a valid basis for generating insights into health care
Healthcare research as an important basis for political discussions and initiatives
Thank you!
BAG Medienmitteilung, Nov 2022
Motion «Einzelverkauf von Medikamenten: Wagen wir den Versuch!» (17.3942), 2017
Machbarkeitsstudie im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit (BAG), 2022:
Der Bundesrat beauftragt das eidgenössische Departement des Innern, die offenen Fragen zur Einzelabgabe von Antibiotika im Rahmen der nationalen Strategie gegen Antibiotikaresistenzen vertieft zu prüfen – insbesondere die Frage, welche gesetzliche Anpassungen nötig sind.
Seit März 2023 ist die Teilabgabe von vier Antibiotika (Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin/Clavulansäure, Cefuroxim und Levofloxacin) aufgrund der Medikamentenknappheitssituation in der Schweiz erstmals gesetzlich möglich und könnte den Weg für weitere Teilmengenabgaben ebnen.